D&M Planning Ltd have successfully obtained planning permission at appeal for the conversion and extension of a former public house to create 5 dwellings. The application site was within a village but also within the Green Belt and AONB. The former public house is a Locally Listed Building within the Conservation Area and adjacent to a Grade II Listed Building.
The Planning Inspector was very supportive of the proposal in terms of its design and appearance and did not consider the loss of the former public house use to be harmful to the village, nor did the Planning Inspector consider the proposal would have any negative impact on the amenities of the neighbouring residents or the overall character and appearance of the Conservation Area, which the Inspector felt would be enhanced by the proposal.
D&M Planning worked with Halo Architects in achieving a successful design and layout for the scheme.
D&M Planning have extensive experience in all forms of planning and would be happy to assist with ensuring your development proposal achieves a successful planning outcome.