Following an overturn of the officer's recommendation at committee last year, D&M Planning are delighted to be in receipt of the Planning Inspector's decision to allow the appeal and grant planning permission. Not only this, but the Inspector awarded the appellant a full award of costs finding the Council's decision making process on the matter to be wholly unreasonable.
The application, which proposed a single dwelling within the developed area, was considered by officers to be of suitable design, form and not to result on adverse impact on neighbours. Members of the committee disagreed, and the scheme was refused. Matt, successfully through the appeal process, convinced the Planning Inspector that this was an inherently unsound decision and not one based on relevant policy.
The appeal was allowed and D&M Planning are working to ensure the appellant's costs are fully covered by the Council.
If you have a scheme for housing you would like assistance with please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Planner: Matt Smith