
Following the refusal of a single-storey rear extension, submitted under the auspices of the Class A of Part 1 of schedule 2 of The General Permitted Development Order relating to the proposed materials not matching those of the dwelling (located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), D&M Planning was successful at appeal arguing that the materials would indeed match those of the existing house.

In allowing the appeal, the appointed Inspector said:

‘The integral stone finish to the concrete block to the third panel would provide a very similar appearance to the roughcast render. The pattern of the blocks would be likely to be discernible to some extent, but with a flush joint and painted surface the difference with the roughcast rendered finish would be minimal. Overall, I conclude that this would provide a similar appearance to the material used in the construction of the exterior of the existing dwellinghouse. With the use of these materials I conclude that the development would accord with the condition relating to materials and would be permitted development if the sample materials were used.’