June 2020
D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of a two storey extension following demolition of an existing extension and alterations.
D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of a two storey extension following demolition of an existing extension and alterations.
D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission for the demolition of an existing office and the erection of 6 dwellings in a site that is adjacent to a Conservation Area, partially
D&M Planning have successfully achieved planning permission for the change of use of a building from Class B8 to use as a gym (class B2) within a strategic employment site.
D&M Planning have been successful at achieving planning permission at appeal for the conversion of an existing residential annex to independent dwelling within the metropolitan Green Belt.
D&M Planning has been successful in obtaining Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for the erection of a first floor extension and internal alterations.
D&M Planning has been successful in obtaining Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for the conversion of two Listed barns with a glazed link to form a new dwelling, erecting a new s
Following the refusal of a single-storey rear extension, submitted under the auspices of the Class A of Part 1 of schedule 2 of The General Permitted Development Order relating to the proposed mate
D&M Planning obtain planning permission for new stables.
Following a ‘split-decision’ by the Council for the change of use of the building from a dwellinghouse to a dwellinghouse and bed and breakfast mixed use (approved) and adjoining land as long-stay
D&M Planning achieve approval of a Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use and Development for a residential annexe within Metropolitan Green Belt, Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural B