April 2018

Two new dwellings

D&M Planning is successful in obtaining planning permission for the erection of two five-bedroom dwellings following the demolition of the existing dwelling.

March 2018

Garden dwelling

Planning permission secured for a detached dwelling within the rear garden of a Locally Listed building.

In granting planning permission, the Council said:

February 2018

Staff/Guest accommodation
Hambledon, Surrey

D&M obtain planning permission and Listed Building consent for extensions and alterations to the existing staff and guest accommodation to provide new staff accommodation and additional guest b

September 2017

Lawful Development

D&M Planning has successfully obtained a Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) for the siting of a caravan as a self-contained, independent unit of occupation.

September 2017

Replacement Dwelling

D&M Planning has been successful in obtaining planning permission for a replacement dwelling and replacement attached garage within the Metropolitan Green Belt, the Surrey Hills Area of Outstan
